Compton Scattering Application (more)



  1. Compton Scatter Imaging (CSI)
  2. Compton Profile Analysis (CPI)
  3. Measurement of electron distribution of the scattered and electron momentum.
  4. The type of chemical bonds between electrons.
  5. Characterizing mineral density in the bone and composition in the tissue and measuring ash in coal and solid loading fraction in slurry 
  6. Compton Telescopes.
    • for Omega ray astronomy
  7. Used to probe the wave function of the electrons in matter in the momentum representation.
  8. is an important effect in gamma spectroscopy which gives rise to the Compton edge, as it is possible for the gamma rays to scatter out of the detectors used.
  9. Compton suppression is used to detect stray scatter gamma rays to counteract this effect.
