Compton Scattering Application 3
PoGOLite and Simulation of
Inverse Compton Scattering
PoGOLite is a polarized Gamma-ray Observer. the polarization measured through coincident detection of Compton scattering and photoabsorption. the compton emission being the emission mechanims for polarizing by aiding the accretion disks around BH's and neutron stars (Cygnus X-1). There are also plenty of detector unit created and formed in assisting the creation of PoGOLite.
This PoGOLite can be seen as per the prototype clipped below.
with the concept of Inverse Compton Scattering, the spectra will be detected by the detector. it will also help in the angle and degree of polarization. the concept also was defined as high electron energy approximation by Moskalenko and A. Strong (2000). the exact formula for several special cases was also created by G. Brunetti (2000) and can be seen as per below.
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