Why Compton shift is independent of scattering material?

The energy of photons proportionates directly to their frequency and inversementally to their wavelength, so that the photons with less energy have less frequencies and longer wavelengths. Individual photons collide in the Compton effect with single electrons, freely or relatively loosely bound in matter atoms. Photons that collide transfer energy and momentum to electrons that retreat in turn. During the collision, new photons are produced with less energy and momentum, which are dispersed at corners, depending on the amount of energy lost to the electrons retrieving. Because of the connection between energy and wavelength, the dispersed photons have a longer wavelength depending on their angle size. The wavelength increase or Compton shift does not depend on the photon's wavelength.

In early 1923, the Dutch physical chemist Peter Debye found the Compton effect to be independent.
